Undergraduate Scholarships Frequently Asked Questions

Competitive Scholarships | Automatic Merit Scholarships | Scholarship Policies

Competitive Scholarships

How do I apply for competitive scholarships?


  • Fall/Summer 2025 Admits
    • Apply to UA and submit all supporting documents by January 10 to be considered for competitive scholarships included in the admission application. Competitive scholarships awarded by Student Financial Aid and Scholarships and many additional competitive scholarships awarded by the National Alumni Association, academic colleges and all departments across campus are already included in the admission application.
    • If you are admitted before January 10, you will gain access to the Alabama Scholarship Award Manager (ASAM) through myBama where you may have additional competitive scholarship opportunities. The deadline to complete additional scholarship applications in ASAM and submit any supporting materials requested is January 10.
  • Spring 2025 Admits
    • Apply to UA and submit all supporting documents by November 1 to be considered for competitive scholarships included in the admission application. Competitive scholarships awarded by Student Financial Aid and Scholarships and many additional competitive scholarships awarded by the National Alumni Association, academic colleges and all departments across campus are already included in the admission application.
    • If you are admitted before November 1, you will gain access to the Alabama Scholarship Award Manager (ASAM) through myBama where you may have additional competitive scholarship opportunities. The deadline to complete additional scholarship applications in ASAM and submit any supporting materials requested is November 1.


  • Fall/Summer 2025 Admits
    • Apply to UA and submit all supporting documents by March 3 to receive priority consideration for competitive scholarships included in the admission application. Competitive scholarships awarded by Student Financial Aid and Scholarships and many additional competitive scholarships awarded by the National Alumni Association, academic colleges and all departments across campus are already included in the admission application.  May 1 is the final deadline to be considered for scholarships included in the admission application. Funds will be limited, apply early to maximize your scholarship opportunities.
    • If you are admitted before March 3, you will gain access to the Alabama Scholarship Award Manager (ASAM) through myBama where you may have additional competitive scholarship opportunities including the ability to upload PTK certificates. The deadline to complete additional scholarship applications in ASAM and submit any supporting materials requested is March 3.
  • Spring 2025 Admits
    • Apply to UA and submit all supporting documents by October 1 to be considered for competitive scholarships included in the admission application. Competitive scholarships awarded by Student Financial Aid and Scholarships and many additional competitive scholarships awarded by the National Alumni Association, academic colleges and all departments across campus are already included in the admission application.
    • If you are admitted before October 1, you will gain access to the Alabama Scholarship Award Manager (ASAM) through myBama where you may have additional competitive scholarship opportunities. The deadline to complete additional scholarship applications in ASAM and submit any supporting materials requested is October 1.

What competitive scholarships are awarded by Student Financial Aid and Scholarships?

Student Financial Aid and Scholarships awards three competitive scholarships that may not be combined with each other: the UA Competitive Admissions Scholarship, UA Competitive Achievement Scholarship and Alabama Prestige (in-state students only).

In addition, Student Financial Aid and Scholarships awards other competitive scholarships that are supplemental in value and may be combined with other scholarship awards.

Can I make changes to the Awards & Experience section of my admission application for scholarship purposes?

No. Once your admission application has been submitted, changes cannot be made.

In the Alabama Scholarship Award Manager (ASAM), can I make changes to the scholarship application(s) and/or requested supporting materials?

Incoming freshmen can make changes to the supplemental applications or individual scholarship apply to questions in ASAM up to January 10 for fall or summer admits; spring admits can make changes up to November 1.

Incoming transfer students can make changes to the supplemental applications or individual scholarship apply to questions in ASAM up to March 3 for fall or summer admits; spring admits can make changes up to October 1.

Returning or currently enrolled students can make changes to the general application, supplemental application, or individual scholarship apply to questions in ASAM up to March 3.

What is the freshman competitive scholarship notification timeline?

  • Early Round: UA Competitive Admissions Scholarship and UA Competitive Achievement Scholarship notifications will be released in mid- December for students who are admitted by October 31.
  • Final Round: UA Competitive Admissions Scholarship, UA Competitive Achievement Scholarship and Alabama Prestige Scholarship notifications will be released in early March for students who submit an admission application and all supporting documents by January 10.
  • Freshmen with an admission application and all supporting documents submitted by January 10 will receive notification of college and departmental scholarship awards applied for via ASAM in early April.

Who will be considered for a UA Competitive Admissions Scholarship, a UA Competitive Achievement Scholarship or an Alabama Prestige Scholarship?

Incoming freshmen students with a test inclusive or test optional admission application and all supporting documents submitted by January 10 will be eligible for all of the named scholarships.

If I don’t receive early notification for a UA Competitive Admissions Scholarship or UA Competitive Achievement Scholarship, will I be rolled to the final round?

Yes. It is not uncommon for students that meet the early round cut-off to be rolled to the final round.

If I already have an automatic merit scholarship, can I receive both the automatic merit and a UA Competitive Admissions Scholarship, UA Competitive Achievement Scholarship or Alabama Prestige Scholarship?

No. If you are awarded a UA Competitive Admissions Scholarship, UA Competitive Achievement Scholarship or Alabama Prestige Scholarship but also meet the criteria for one or more automatic merit scholarships, you will receive the highest of the scholarship offers.

Certain prestigious competitive scholarship packages are not stackable with automatic merit scholarships or a UA Competitive Admission, UA Competitive Achievement Scholarship or Alabama Prestige Scholarship. Recipients of these awards will be notified if upgraded to one of these awards.

If I receive a UA Competitive Admissions Scholarship, UA Competitive Achievement Scholarship or Alabama Prestige Scholarship, can I receive another competitive scholarship?

Yes, you can receive a UA Competitive Admissions Scholarship, UA Competitive Achievement Scholarship or Alabama Prestige Scholarship and additional competitive scholarships like alumni, departmental or college-specific scholarships. The additional competitive scholarships will be released in early April.

If I do not receive the value I hoped for from the UA Competitive Admissions Scholarship, can I be reviewed again?

Students are not typically reviewed again after receiving a UA Competitive Admissions Scholarship offer. The UA Competitive Admissions Scholarship is a highly competitive scholarship based on the holistic review of a student’s academic and non-academic information provided on their admission application. 

However, students whose scholarship value, eligibility and/or academic profile was impacted by an extenuating circumstance have the opportunity to submit a scholarship appeal for reconsideration. Please visit UA’s Scholarship Policy webpage to learn more about our Incoming & Returning Student Scholarship Appeals Policy.

Will UA re-award scholarships if the previous recipient fails to enroll?

Yes, there will be a re-award period following the registration deadline, typically in late August. The likelihood of additional scholarships is small and re-awards will not include automatic merit scholarships, UA Competitive Admissions Scholarships, UA Competitive Achievement Scholarships or Alabama Prestige Scholarships. It is in your best interest to prepare for The University of Alabama with your current financial aid award and scholarship offer.

Will incoming freshmen that have submitted an application and all supporting documents on January 10 be disadvantaged, receive less competitive scholarship values or less consideration for competitive scholarships compared to students who are admitted earlier?

No. Students that submit their admission application and all supporting documents closer to January 10 will not be disadvantaged in any way. Their applications will be reviewed for competitive scholarships in the same fashion as all students that submitted prior to them.

Will incoming transfer students that submit their application and all supporting documents on May 1 receive less consideration for competitive scholarships compared to students who submit their admissions application and all supporting documents by the March 3 priority date?

Yes. Transfer students that submit their admission application and all supporting documents by the March 3 priority date will be reviewed for all competitive scholarships including the Community College Presidential and those offered by Alumni and the colleges that house their major.

Transfer students will continue to be reviewed for competitive scholarships through May 1 as funds are available.

If an incoming freshman has not submitted an application and all supporting documents by January 10 or an incoming transfer student does not submit an admissions application and all supporting documents by May 1, can the student still apply for competitive scholarships?

No, students will not receive consideration for competitive scholarships if the deadline has passed. Students may appeal for additional consideration due to extenuating circumstances. Please visit the Scholarship Policy webpage to learn more about our Incoming & Returning Student Scholarship Appeals Policy.

Are there scholarship opportunities for currently enrolled UA students?

Yes. Students can complete the Current Student Scholarship Application for opportunities available in the following academic year. The deadline is March 3 of the spring semester. Please visit the Current Student Scholarship website to learn more.

Are incoming freshmen with only a GED score eligible for scholarships?

Students with only a GED can be considered for competitive scholarships. Students can enhance their academic profile in competitive scholarship review by submitting an SAT or ACT score and thoroughly completing the Awards and Experience section of the admission application. 

Students with a GED cannot be considered for automatic merit scholarships.

Can two or more colleges on campus review my freshman or transfer application for scholarship consideration?

No. A student’s application will only be reviewed by the college marked on the admission application. An incoming freshman or transfer student cannot list two majors.

Are in-state home school/virtual school students considered for Alabama Prestige?

Yes. Alabama residents that are in a home school/virtual school and meet all other eligibility requirements are pooled together and considered for the Alabama Prestige Scholarship.

Automatic Merit Scholarships

How will I be notified if I am eligible for a freshman automatic merit scholarship?

For students enrolling in the summer or fall semester, freshman automatic merit scholarship letters are mailed approximately two weeks after they are admitted or submit official test scores from the testing agency up until the May 1 deadline.

For students enrolling in the spring, they will be notified via their Crimson email in mid-December.

When will I be notified if I am eligible for a transfer automatic merit scholarship?

Transfer automatic merit scholarships will be released in early April for admitted students that submit their admission application and all supporting documents by the March 3 priority deadline. Admitted students that submit their admission application and all supporting documents by the May 1 deadline will be notified in mid-May.

For students enrolling in the spring, students will be notified of their automatic merit scholarships via their Crimson email in mid-December.

What standardized test dates and GPA timelines are accepted for freshman automatic merit scholarship consideration?

Only official ACT composite scores or official SAT total scores submitted by the testing agency are accepted for automatic merit scholarships. UA does not use superscores for scholarship purposes.

For students applying for fall or summer admission, only scores from tests taken through December of their senior year in high school and the GPA after completion of their junior year are considered for automatic merit scholarships. UA must receive the student’s official (not self-reported) test score and/or official transcripts by May 1. Qualifying test score and/or transcripts submitted after May 1 are not considered for freshman automatic merit scholarship purposes. For example, a student admitted in October can take the December ACT or SAT. As long as the official December test score is submitted by May 1, the scores will be reviewed for automatic merit scholarship consideration.

For students applying for spring admissions, only scores from tests taken through and submitted by December 16 of their senior year in high school and the GPA after completion of their junior year are considered for automatic merit scholarships. Students must submit their official qualifying test score and/or transcripts by December 16. Qualifying test score and/or transcripts submitted after December 16 are not considered for freshman automatic merit scholarship purposes. For example, if a student takes the December test but test scores are not released until after December 16, those scores will not be reviewed for automatic merit consideration.

If I am an incoming freshman and I have not submitted an application and all supporting documents by May 1, can I still receive an automatic merit scholarship?

No, students will not receive consideration for automatic merit scholarships after the deadline. 

Students may appeal for additional consideration due to extenuating circumstances. Please visit UA’s Scholarship Policy to learn more.  

I’ve been named a National Merit Finalist. What is my next step?

National Merit Finalists should name The University of Alabama as their college of choice before May 1. To learn more visit UA’s National Merit Scholars page. 

Can I receive more than one automatic merit scholarship?

No, students can only receive one automatic merit scholarship. If you are eligible for multiple automatic merit scholarships, you will receive the scholarship with the highest value.

If you are awarded a UA Competitive Admissions Scholarship, UA Competitive Achievement Scholarship or Alabama Prestige Scholarship but also meet the criteria for one or more automatic merit scholarships, you will receive the highest of the scholarship offers.

Certain prestigious competitive scholarship packages are not stackable with automatic merit or a UA Competitive Admissions Scholarship, UA Competitive Achievement Scholarship or Alabama Prestige Scholarship. Recipients of these awards will be notified if upgraded to one of these awards.

Scholarship Policies

Will a tuition scholarship adjust if I take more or less than full time hours?

The scholarship will automatically adjust to the tuition charge if the charge is more or less than a full-time course load. 

What are the academic requirements of my automatic merit, UA Competitive Admissions Scholarship, UA Competitive Achievement Scholarship or Alabama Prestige Scholarship?

Students are required to have a cumulative 3.0 UA GPA and earn at least a cumulative 67% of the total UA credit hours attempted in order to maintain their merit scholarships. To learn more please visit UA’s Scholarship Policy.

Will a break in enrollment affect my scholarship?

Yes. A break in enrollment could affect a student’s scholarship. For more detail about our Returning Student Break in Enrollment policy please visit the Scholarship Policy website.

Can undergraduate students use remaining semesters of undergraduate scholarships toward graduate school?

Yes. Students with remaining semesters of an undergraduate automatic merit scholarship, UA Competitive Admissions Scholarship, UA Competitive Achievement Scholarship or Alabama Prestige Scholarship can use their remaining semesters toward graduate school. Students with a scholarship package can use the tuition portion of their scholarship towards graduate school. To learn more about the Scholarship Use for Graduate School Policy please visit the Scholarship Policy website.

Are high school students that take a gap year eligible for scholarships?

Yes. Admitted new first time freshmen can request a gap year by submitting the Scholarship Gap Request Form located on the Admissions & Scholarships page of their myBama account. To learn more about our First-time Freshman Gap Term/Year policy please visit the Scholarship Policy website.

Can students use their automatic merit or competitive scholarship to study abroad?

Yes. Most university scholarships can be used toward a university approved study abroad program. To learn more about our Study Abroad Policy please visit the Scholarship Policy website.

Can students use their automatic merit or competitive scholarship toward summer courses?

Yes. Students can use most scholarships towards summer courses. To learn more about the Scholarship Use for Summer Semester Policy please visit the Scholarship Policy website.

Do external scholarships, military benefits or college saving plans impact scholarships at UA?

No. However, scholarships at UA could possibly impact these external funds. Please consult with the external scholarship, military benefits or college savings plan representatives to determine if your funds will be impacted by scholarships received at UA. Students with military benefits should also contact our Veterans and Military Affairs Office at (205) 348-0983 or email vma@ua.edu.

Do residency changes impact my scholarship values?

Yes. Automatic merit scholarships, UA Competitive Admissions Scholarship, UA Competitive Achievement Scholarship and other competitive scholarship values are impacted by residency changes as many values are representative of the tuition charge. Therefore, if the tuition charge changes, the scholarship value typically changes as well. Email scholarships@ua.edu to find out if your residency change will impact your scholarship.

What is regular room rate?

Regular room rate is defined as the largest room option in a particular dorm. Example: Riverside, Lakeside and Ridgecrest have four-person suites. The cost associated with the four-person suite would be the value of the housing scholarship in this circumstance. If you live in an alternative dorm where double room occupancy is the largest available option, then the cost associated with the double room would be the value of the housing scholarship.