2025-2026 Verification

Verification is a process created by the U.S. Department of Education to confirm the accuracy of information provided on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The verification process requires our office to verify or confirm the data reported by you and/or your parent(s) on the FAFSA.

If you are selected for verification, an email will be sent to your UA Crimson Mail, and you will be required to provide documentation to verify the information you reported on the FAFSA. All unsatisfied requirements are viewable on your myBama account.

The verification process is not complete until all submitted documentation has been verified by our office and the U.S. Department of Education has received and accepted any changes to the original FAFSA data.

How will I know if I am selected for verification?

You will be notified through your UA Crimson Mail if you have any unsatisfied requirements that must be met before a federal financial aid award will be determined.

You can review unsatisfied requirements on your myBama account in the Student Financial Aid Requirements section.

If you were selected for verification, the documentation you submit will be compared to the original FAFSA and corrections may be made. These corrections could change the student’s Student Aid Index (SAI) which could affect the award amount. If corrections were made, you will receive a new FAFSA Submission Summary from the Department of Education.

How should I submit my verification documents?

Documents needed to complete verification can be submitted by:

  • Using the Student Financial Aid Verification Document Upload portal available online at mybama.ua.edu in the Student page in the Student Financial Aid Requirements section.
  • Visiting us at 106 Student Services Center and submitting in person
  • Mailing: See our contact page for mailing address.
  • Faxing: (205) 348-2989
  • Emailing: financialaid@ua.edu

Make sure your first and last name, and CWID is written on each page submitted.

If you experience any issues while viewing/uploading documents to the verification portal, clear your web browser’s cache and attempt to access the link again.

What happens after I complete verification?

After verification is completed, you will be notified through your UA Crimson Mail when a federal financial aid award offer has been determined. The award offer may be viewed on your myBama in your Financial Aid Self-Service.

If my application was not selected for verification, should I still submit documentation?

Submitting unrequired documents could slow down the award process. You will be notified through your UA Crimson Mail if you have any unsatisfied requirements that must be met before a federal financial aid offer will be determined.

How do I Request an IRS Tax Return Transcript?

Online Request

  1. Available on the IRS website at www.irs.gov
  2. Click on “Get Your Tax Record” on the homepage.
  3. Click “Get Transcript Online”.
  4. Follow the prompts to request a transcript

Telephone Request

  1. Available from the IRS by calling 800-908-9946
  2. Tax filers must follow prompts to enter their Social Security Number and the numbers in their street address. Generally, this will be numbers of the street address that was listed on the latest tax return filed.
  3. Select the option to request an IRS Tax Return Transcript and then enter the year you are requesting.
  4. If successfully validated, tax filers can expect to receive a paper IRS Tax Return Transcript at the address included in their telephone request within 5 to 10 business days from the time the IRS receives the request.

Paper Request Form – IRS Form 4506T-EZ

  1. IRS Form 4506T-EZ should be used when requesting an IRS Tax Return Transcript.
  2. Complete lines 1 – 4, following the instructions on Page 2 of the form.
  3. Line 5 provides the tax filer with the option to create a unique customer file number that will appear on the transcript. Completion of this line is not required.
  4. On Line 6, enter “2023” to receive tax information for the 2023 tax year.
  5. The tax filer must sign and date the form and enter his/her telephone number.
  6. When requesting a transcript using the paper process, either spouse may submit the request and only one signature is required to request a transcript for a joint return.
  7. Mail or fax the completed IRS Form 4506T-EZ to the appropriate address (or FAX number) provided on Page 2 of Form 4506T-EZ.
  8. Tax filers can expect to receive their transcript within 10 business days from the time the IRS receives and processes their signed request.

For fiscal year filers, use the IRS Form 4506-T.

A Tax Account Transcript cannot be accepted in place of an IRS Tax Return Transcript.

Are there special circumstances when I will need to submit documentation other than an IRS Tax Return Transcript?

IRS Identity Theft

If you are a victim of IRS Identity Theft and have been selected for verification, you must provide a copy of your IRS 4674C letter acknowledging the identity theft from the IRS OR a signed and dated statement indicating that you are a victim and that the IRS has been notified AND a copy of your signed tax return with applicable schedules that were filed with the IRS. To obtain an IRS 4674C, call 1-800-908-4490.

Tax Extensions

If you file an extension and you have been selected for verification you may submit a copy of the IRS’s approval of an extension beyond the automatic six-month extension for tax year 2023. You will also need to submit a W-2 or equivalent document from each source of income received and if self-employed, a signed statement certifying the amount of Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) and U.S. income tax paid for tax year 2023.

Foreign Tax Return

You will need to submit a transcript from the relevant taxing authority listing tax account information for the tax year. Transcripts can be obtained at no cost. If this is not possible, then a signed copy of the tax return filed with the taxing authority is acceptable.

Foreign tax returns should be the equivalent to the IRS Form 1040. The income should be reported on the FAFSA in U.S. dollars at the exchange rate at the time of the FAFSA.

What if I am selected for Identity/Statement of Educational Purpose form but cannot appear in person?

If you cannot appear in person, you must contact Student Financial Aid & Scholarships at financialaid@ua.edu or call (205) 348-6756, to request a notary form. Notarized forms must be mailed back along with a copy of your unexpired, valid government-issued photo ID. (Action Cards are NOT an acceptable form of photo ID.) We cannot accept faxed or scanned copies.